Revision Rhinoplasty

This is an operation applied to patients who have had one or more rhinoplasty operations before, but who are not content with the results. There are obvious deformities in nasal bone, cartilage and skin with these patients.
Revision operations are divided into two as minor and major.
Minor revisions are performed 6-12 months after the operation, whereas major operations are performed after 12-24 months.
Techniques used in revision operations are similar to those used in primary rhinoplasty. However, during and post operation processes are more difficult both in terms of the patient and the surgeon. As the normal anatomic structure of the nose had been changed with the first operation, cartilage grafts would be needed during revision. While ing these grafts, cartilage inside the nose (if any) are preferred at first. The second option is ear cartilage and finally, rib grafts might need to be used.
Healing process is similar to that of primary rhionoplasty, but it might take a longer time for the oedema to reduce and the nose to get softened.