
What is autoplasty?
Prominent ears are ears that are perceived as protruding from the sides of the head and when the fold is flattened. The operation aims to treat these deformities.
Who undergoes otoplasty?
People with prominent ears or people who are not pleased with the shape of their ears can undergo this operation. This procedure is commonly advised at the age of 5 or 6, before the patients start school. The aim here is to prevent other children from making fun of the patients because of their ears, thus; avoid any possible psychological and social trauma. Yet, people who did not have this operation during their childhood can have it in future, as well.
What should be done prior to surgery?
As in all plastic surgeries, the patient should quit smoking minimum two weeks prior to the operation and should also avoid smoking for two weeks after the operation. Anticoagulant drugs, such as Aspirin etc. should be quitted minimum 10 days before the operation. The patient should discontinue any other medication or dietary supplement (medication that include Ginseng, CoQ, Gingko Bloba etc.) 1 week before the surgery. The patient should also disclose any other significant condition to their surgeon.
What is the surgery technique?
There are several techniques that can be applied depending on the severity of the deformity. The operation is often carried out under local anaesthesia and with the help of sedatives. General anaesthesia is usually preferred with children. If the angle between the ear and the head is normal, but the folds on the ear are soft, the ear can be bent using a string without any incisions. In severe conditions, a 3 cm incision is made at the back of the ear to change the angle and reshape the cartilage. The incision is concealed at the back curve of the ear.
What to expect after autoplasty:
Patients can be released from the hospital on the operation day. The bandages are removed on the second day. For three weeks, the patients are advised to wear tennis players’ headbands.