Neck Lifting

What is neck lifting?
Neck area is among the first areas to be influenced by weight gains and ageing. The double chin appearance and loosening in the neck area causes patients to look fatter and older than they actually are. In neck lifting procedures, the fat in the neck area is removed. Any loose and excessive skin is also removed and the muscles are reshaped to ensure a younger and more attractive appearance.
Who undergoes neck lifting?
Patients suffering from fattening and loosening in their chin and neck area undergo this operation.

What should be done prior to surgery?
As in all plastic surgeries, the patient should quit smoking minimum two weeks prior to the operation and should also avoid smoking for two weeks after the operation. Anticoagulant drugs, such as Aspirin etc. should be quitted minimum 10 days before the operation. The patient should discontinue any other medication or dietary supplement (medication that include Ginseng, CoQ, Gingko Bloba etc.) 1 week before the operation. The patient should also disclose any other significant conditions to their surgeon.

What is the surgery technique?
The incisions are hidden behind the ear and under the hair line. Neck skin is lifted. Excessive fat in the neck and chin area is removed with liposuction. If necessary, a 3 cm-cut under the chin is made to reshape the patient’s loosened muscles and to ensure a clear angle in the neck. The operation usually lasts 1- 2 hours.

What to expect after the neck lifting?
Patients can be discharged from the hospital on the operation day or they can be hospitalised for one night. Patients should use the neck corset for 2 weeks. They can have a bath on the third day. If non-degradable sutures are used, the sutures are removed on the 7th or 10th day. Patients can resume their work after 1 week.