Hair Transplantation

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is one of the most preferred methods in hair transplantation, is a technique that gives a successful result, both painless and traceless. It is the least damaging method of hair transplantation; the risk of infection and wound opening is minimized. The hair follicle processing is performed by removing the hair roots one by one by the special end micro motors, while you are under local anesthesia. It does not cause any pain, scarring or bleeding.
In the FUE method, small abrasions are formed, and as they are closed in a short time, there won’t be any scar, stitch and operational mark.
After your hair is shortened by 1 mm, local anesthesia will be applied to the donor area, where hair will be implanted, and follicles will be removed. With micro-motor tips, strands are cut in a cylindrical fashion from the desired area, with follicle and surrounding tissue. The follicle taken with the aid of a micro collet, is placed to the region where hair is to be planted, by the channel opened by the micro motor.
In addition to the hair; beard, mustache, eyebrow planting also performed by this method; the amount of root can be taken as much as desired. In a session, each of which can be changed between 1 and 3 4000-6000 grafts, may be taken.
Depending on the area where the hair is to be planted, the hair root between 50-70 can be placed per square centimeter. Since the results acquired after hair transplantation yield the closest results to natural, the operation is simple and performed under local anesthesia, the person can return to normal life immediately after the process, it’s a procedure which has many pluses. While it doesn’t cause pain, ache, and hurt; there’s no scar, and neither requires stitches.
Although hair plantations are made in many place; these operations that are performed in non-expert hands, leads to unnatural results. Planting done by following the direction of the hair outputs, performing a natural planting by considering the starting point of the frontial hairline; will show your doctor's professionalism. Thus, you will be satisfied with both the hair transplantation, as well as your newly added hair will be permanent.