Chin Aesthetics

What is gonion aesthetics?
During chin reconstruction, chin can be augmented via chin prosthesis or by bone resection or rasping, the gonion can be shortened. They are generally performed as a combined surgery comprising face lifting and rhinoplasty.
Who undergoes chin aesthetics?
Patients who have normal mouth closure and teeth order, but a small or big gonion can undergo this operation.
What should be done prior to surgery?
As in all plastic surgeries, the patient should quit smoking minimum two weeks prior to the operation and should also avoid smoking for two weeks after the operation. Anticoagulant drugs, such as Aspirin etc. should be quitted minimum 10 days before the operation. The patient should discontinue any other medication or dietary supplement (medication that include Ginseng, CoQ, Gingko Bloba etc.) 1 week before the surgery. The patient should also disclose any other significant condition to their surgeon.
What is the surgery technique?
The procedure is carried out with small incisions inside the mouth or under the chin. A prosthesis with an appropriate size is placed in the gonion. If a few millimetres of fullness is desired at the gonion, fat injection can be applied. If a chin reduction is planned, the same incisions are used to remove or rasp the excessive bone. If necessary, titanium plate and screws are used to ensure stabilization.
What to expect after chin aesthetics:
Patients can be discharged from hospital on the operation day. If the incisions are inside the mouth, gargling and 3 days of liquid diet are advised. Patients can resume their works 1 week after the surgery.